Friday, July 9, 2010

Mikey: Now with street cred!

Out of curiousity, does anyone remember this post?

It's from May last year, and it's me yabbering on about the tattoo I'd finally decided on. Well, given that now is the perfect time for an image upheaval, and I've already got the new wardrobe and the new hair, I figured I'd procrastinated enough. I can't decide wether it counts as impulsive or not, when you've been planning it for over twelve months, but when the actual decision is made the day before, thats gotta count for something, right?

I made the decision to get my shiny new tattoo before work yesterday, and excitement gave way to terror pretty much the moment I walked into the premises and saw the locals. Tattooed scary people who's topics of conversations alternated between mercenary friends that love killing people and sexual practices I don't think even have names yet. So obviously, the homosexual sitting there wanting a Batwoman tattoo felt slightly out of place. But, I was there, and figured I might as well see it through, and half an hour later, had this to show for it:

First question people tend to ask: Did it hurt? And the answer is, fuck yes. It really, REALLY hurt. But after a while, it kinda just became a pain you're comfortable with, and at no point was I tempted to yank my wrist away like I was worried I would. I figured you never see people with half finished tattoos because they couldn't handle the pain, so it mustn't be TOO bad, and I was right. You know that good pain? It was that. (By "good pain", did I just reveal a little too much about myself? Oops.) To the point where when she asked me if I wanted her to go back over the outline, I said yes, instead of trying to end it as fast as possible.

Second question tends to be: Does it mean anything? And the best part is, yeah. It does. I mean, there's the obvious "Batman" level on which it's awesome (well, Batwoman, but still. There's a connection). But like most good symbols, there's a far deeper meaning to it which I feel is important. It sums me up, as well as my life outlook, and it's suitably wanky, as well. But I didn't just get it because it's pretty, which I think is important.

And you know what? At the end of the day, I have this on me. Forever. And I'm pretty damn happy with that!

Note: Dried blood NOT permanent addition to tattoo...

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