Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Comic Book Heaven

So, after tooling around on the internet, I discovered something awesome. November 19th is oficially the greatest day for comic books in 2008! Seriously, on the one day, we get the last installment of Batman: RIP, the last installment of the current Buffy Season 8 arc, AND a new issue of Kick-Ass! Holy nerdfest, Batman!

Batman #681: I am SERIOUSLY hoping to read this and have one of those "Oooooh!" moments were the last couple of issues suddenly make a heap of sense. Because really. Bat Mite? Batman of Zurr Enn Hurr? Thomas Wayne isn't dead? I did read an interesting theory today that supposed Robin was going to turn out to be the big bad of the arc, which seems nuts, until you realise HE WEARS BLACK GLOVES!!!! ZOMG! Coincidence? Probably. At this stage, there's as good a chance of the Black Glove being a Post-Op Aunt Harriet or something. Whatever. I may not have followed it 100%, but I can't wait to read the conclusion!

Buffy Season 8 #19: The conclusion to the Time of Your Life arc has been delayed a few times, but now that it actually looks like it's got a solid release date, I could just about pee with excitement. I was so excited when I first heard Joss was returning to the Frayverse, and this arc has turned Season 8 up to 11. I'm really curious to see how he resolves everything! How does Buffy get back? Does Frays future cease to exist? Whats up with Dark Willow? How does this affect Twilight? And were those mystery solicits referring to a major death accurate, or just bullshit? This series has been way better than a Media Tie-In comic has any right to be!
Kick-Ass #5: There is absolutely NOTHING I can say to fully describe how awesome this series is, and I've just read four issues so far! CANNOT WAIT for the fifth.

So, I think a trip to Kings will most certainly be in order that weekend. Because waiting is for chumps.


Suzanne said...

Kings Comics! I'm totally psyched that you mentioned them, cos I bought Luke's birthday present from there. You might have seen them - they're massive Milk + Cheese vinyl figures. I called the guy at Kings and quizzed him on how fast they would get to me and he was awesome and sent them and they arrived on time and everything. Yay for Kings Comics!

Also yay for Alex Ross. I get tingly whenever I see his art.

Beau. said...
