Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time Travel

So it's New Years Eve, and, as I'm sure happens to all normal people, my thoughts have turned to time travel. Not crazy, sci-fi "Oh Shit- a caveman!" time travel, just the more sedate kind. You know, jumping forward a few years along your personal timeline to have a nosy around and see how things are going.
I used to think it would be awful, knowing exactly how things were going to turn out, with no ability to change anything, but now, I think it would be kinda rad.
What kickstarted all of this thinking was my own feeble attempt at contacting myself through the mists of time and writing myself a series of letters earlier in the year, to be opened at certain times, just as a bit of an experiment in seeing how it felt, receiving these messages that had been created in a completely different point in my life. It was interesting, to say the least, reading something from 8 months ago addressed to me, but all it really told me that, whilst well meaning, my past self was kinda naive, and caught up in his own shit.
And anyway, all this led me to think, the perfect way to see the future would be to access your facebook from five years in the future! How great would that be! You could look at your page, get almost a cliff notes overview on how things had progressed, and leave it at that! You could see where you worked, how you looked, who you were still friends with, wether you were in a relationship- all the good stuff, but without ruining everything for yourself.
It would be like, during season one of Buffy, someone saying to you, "Yeah, in the final episode, Buffy and Angel have a really nice moment, Xander has one eye, Willow and Kennedy are together and they manage to save the world."
Nothing is totally spoilt, and the things it told you wouldn't even make a great deal of sense, but it would still be kinda fun.

So, I think I'll make my New Years Resolution to travel in time. Happy New Years!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm glad you didn't decide to make your new year's resolution something ridiculous and unachievable.