Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Indiana Jones 5? Bring it on!

Indiana Jones is awesome. FUCKING AWESOME. I don't care who you are or what your opinions towards Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- Indy as a character is more awesome than you OR your dad. And I don't care if I'm the only person on the face of the planet excited about these talks about a fifth Indiana Jones movie. You know what? I'll be excited enough for all of us. Harrison Ford, wearing a fedora, punching bad guys (be they Russian or Nazis) is guaranteed to put a smile on my face every time. And don't give me that anti-KotCS bullshit. It was fun, dammit. Yes, he survived a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge. Yes, Shia LaBouf pretended to be Tarzan. And yes. We saw aliens. But you know what? Go to hell. It was pure Indy-tainment. And it had Marion. And waterfalls. And that warehouse bit at the start was fabulous!
Now I'll admit, on the scale of Indy films, his latest outing wasn't his greatest. But did it have to be? Have we become so jaded as a culture that we demand EVERYTHING to be the BEST THING EVER? Indiana Jones doesn't owe you shit.
If Harrison Ford wants to wear his hat and play with his whip again, I'm totally, one hundred percent on board with that! And not only on board, I'm thrilled. Remember how excited we all were when the first images for Crystal Skull started coming out? And the trailer? I almost wet myself! I can't wait to recapture that level of pure unadulterated fun.
So while the internet implodes on itself with people who can't wait to make their snide comments about how much they're sure the latest outing will suck balls, I'll keep my little corner of the net brimming with optimism. And I might be the only person in the world doing it, but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to hell this bastard gets made!
And for those needing further proof that Indy is still freaking fabulous:

Get that up ya.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

hear hear. There is too much fan boy whinging going around and I for one am totally happy to watch Harrison Ford play with a yo yo for three hours, if that's what the next one is. Anything more? I'll be over the fricken moon.