Monday, September 28, 2009

Snot funny! (get it?)

I know, I'm over a week late on the whole "dust storm" excitement, but I've been busy scraping down the back deck with a toothbrush to remove the final traces of Mars Dirt that has covered everything in existence. I've got to admit, waking up last Thursday morning to an eerie orange glow over everything DID inspire thoughts of an apocalypse, which, annoyingly, I had slept through (which isn't that strange. I've slept through all of Newcastles earthquakes as well, so I shouldn't really be surprised)
I discovered something odd about myself- the idea of an apocalypse kind of excites me! To the point where, discovering it had been a simple dust storm, and not the catastrophic annihilation of humanity, left me mildly disappointed. Should I be worried about myself? I mean, sure. It would be harder to organise a mixed netball team, given the extinction of the human race, but look on the positive side- no more traffic on the roads to worry about! No more queues at the supermarket! NO MORE WINONA RYDER!!!!
Once I realised, though, that the world wasn't facing imminent destruction, I turned my attention towards more pressing matters. No, not matters of cleanliness, or fear about the atmospheric or environmental impact the dust was having. Oh no. My biggest concern for the day (And one that I wasted FAR too much time and energy on?)

How much dust would one have to breathe in before it turned your snot orange?? The answer, it would seem, is far more than I managed. Which was disappointing. Oh well. I've always got the next natural disaster to look forward to. Failing that, I can snort some food colouring...

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