Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feel the Burn!

I've discovered I'm one of THOSE people when I go to the gym. You know the ones. The ones that need to position themselves near a mirror so they can watch everything they do? Yeah, that's me.
It never used to be, and it's not something I've consciously done, just over time, I've noticed a definite tendency to spend more time focused on my own hardworking reflection than whatever tosh is being broadcast over the televisions. But then, who can blame me? I do look VERY good on a treadmill.
Anyway, I've been slackening off with my working out lately (I've got mirrors at home, dammit, why should I go!) so I've been making people come with me. Yesterday, Adam came. It was great fun, we started on the treadmills for a bit, jogging away, being awesome, but something I didn't count on was his desire to use the weights (or, "babyweights", as he called them...). Now, I steer clear of them like the plague, because I always feel like the slightly slow kid who can never figure out how anything works and ends up looking like a tool, but Adam assured me he knew how to make everything work, and proceeded to show me.
And now I feel like death. I knew there was a reason I didn't use them! Feel the burn? I'm feeling more than the burn! I tell you what, I better end up looking like Hugh Jackman for this...
I did like though, that instead of doing our crunches at the gym, we decided we could just go back to Adams and watch one of Chers fitness DVDs. Now THATS how someone should work out!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Promise me though that you only watched it. You didn't do the moves as well. ;)