Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome to the Corps

This just in: Simon is awesome. I know! I never thought I'd say it either, but there we are. Simon managed to induct me into the Green Lantern Corps. Which makes him awesome. But, more importantly, it makes me EVEN MORE AWESOME! I have a Green Lantern ring now. Which proves I'm fearless, honourable and worthy. Take THAT, everyone that ever said otherwise! Simon became the Flash, as well, although I'm not sure how he managed to fit the costume into his ring. But who am I to question the physics of the DC Universe?

Like all good nerds, my first action upon receiving the ring WAS to recite the Green Lantern Oath. Don't look at me like that. As if you wouldn't have done the exact same thing.

In Brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evils might
Beware my power,

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