Monday, August 3, 2009

Maybe Justin Long will like me now!

Not that winning Justin Longs affections is one of my long term life goals, but still, doesn’t hurt to make an effort occasionally, and so, knowing that he likes to spruik Apple Computers from time to time, I accidentally bought one. I say accidentally, but from memory, I didn’t actually take THAT MUCH convincing. 

It was my day off, and looking for something exciting to do, I decided to go to the computer store, for the simple reason that I wanted to PRICE an Apple MacBook. That’s all. Well, within about twenty minutes, I was being spoken to by a very convincing salesman, who was doing a fantastic job of telling me that, basically, my life was merely a life half lived, with me being nothing more than some pathetic husk of a person, never truly experienceing all the joy life has to offer, until I’m experiencing said lifejoy on an Apple Computer. Like I said, very convincing. And you know how I hate being a husk, so naturally, my ears pricked up. When they then started singing the benefits of an interest free, no repayments thingamy, my curiosity was piked. When I decided to apply, for shits and giggles, fully expecting a knockback, I was amazed to actually get approved for an OBSCENE amount of money. Which I promptly spent on the aforementioned laptop, as well as all the completely one hundred percent necessary attachments and accessories. I DID think $200 was a little excessive for a surge protector (especially when within a week, said surge protector BURST INTO FLAMES), and the $60 I spent on something called iClean may not have been exactly sensible, but all in all, I’m thrilled to bits- my computer is so pretty! Even if I don’t have a fucking clue how to do anything on it at all...

Actually getting the computer, after I’d paid them all my money, turned out to be a bit of a nightmare (three trips back due to having been given the wrong computer each time, going back to pick up a program I’d been promised, having to return burnt husk of a surge protector, etc) but that’s nothing a crankily worded email to the company wont fix. For now, let’s all bask in the prettiness.


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