Saturday, March 28, 2009

Crisis of Faith

I'm not one to question anyones religious beliefs, BUT...
So I'm not a religious person. I make no secret of that fact. But it's not for lack of trying. I was very much raised in a pro-religious household, attended Sunday Schools like a good little Christian boy, and received bibles for gifts with alarming regularity. Actually, when I look back, it seems like the majority of my childhood was devoted to trying to find SOME sort of religious experience that seemed to click with me.
But there is one thing that never sat well with me, and to this day I'm still unable to find ANY sort of reasonable explanation, and it kind of ruins the ENTIRE bible/ Christianity thing for me.
Where the fuck do DINOSAURS fit in to the whole experience?? Honestly, this has bugged me since, like, the age of six! I was never able to get past it, and I was ALWAYS getting in trouble for bringing it up in Sunday School. It annoys me so much, it amazes me that anybody is able to accept christianity without asking some serious questions about the whole thing.
Biblically, the world was created in seven days, with Adam & Eve popping up on the last day going about their business and fucking up the whole ordeal for everyone. BUT. As an obsessed kiddie, I was well-versed in the fact that dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions of years ago, and it was in a time long before man came along (well, at a stretch, we could argue that cavemen were around...I would have accepted that at six). And they ruled the earth for more than six days.
Now, it's not my intention to belittle anyones religious faith. It's honestly something that bugs me about myself, my inability to just get over things like this and believe in something. Because people that believe in God generally seem pretty happy about the whole thing. But if a six year old is poking holes in your system of faith, maybe it needs to be reviewed somewhat, huh?
Personally, I'd love for the pope to come out one day and address the situation with a complete backtrack, and try to tell us that Jesus was a caveman, and he used to fight raptors, instead of Romans, and he rode a T-Rex instead of a camel. I'd probably have an easier time going to church if it was all about Jesus and his wacky dinosaur adventures. Because at least then, they'd be acknowledging the problem.
As it is, it feels like it's the elephant in the room that the church just hopes people don't notice, and thats not good enough. Like I said, I raise this not to be a prick, but out of genuine curiosity. Can anyone offer an explanation for me? I'd love it. And it doesn't work to just shrug and say "well, you don't take things literally in the bible..." because if you start picking and choosing the bits you like, the whole thing becomes even MORE of a clusterfuck.


Titch said...

Hi there Mikey well I don;t have all the answers but I do believe the bible is meant to be taken literaly, now I can;t begin to fathom where the dinosaurs went but i do think there were some & that they were part of gods plan. I don;t agree w the time line of dinosaurs although I certainly don;t have the teaching the brainy ppl have that came up w that time line. So although I am commenting I don;t have the answer for u. My opinion not based on facts but my opion is maybe the eggs that were taken onto noahs ark didn;t hatch as they were meant to which is just my opinion cause i know god had it all under controll & I wil just have to trust when the time comes Iwill get my answers from him. love u Mikey..

Anonymous said...

"Even though we know dinosaurs survived the flood (on Noah's Ark), we don't know if Jesus ever rode them.

But he probably did!"

Bones said...

Trent, I would worship him SO HARD!