Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Criminals BEWARE

Today, an answer exploded in my brain. An answer to a question that I didn't even realise I was ASKING. But there you go. Not only was I asking it, I was subconsciously formulating the perfect solution.

Question: What would be my ideal career?


Bear with me here, it's not as crazy as it sounds. Ok, it IS as crazy as it sounds, but I think therein lies the beauty of the whole scheme! No one will suspect me of privately investigating them! It's brilliant. AND I've seen every episode of Veronica Mars multiple times, so I've seen how to do all the hard stuff!

Now I just have to figure out how one falls into a life of investigationism... Can't be THAT hard, surely...


Rebecca said...
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Rebecca said...

I have a plan! Start snooping and then bribing people (so they know you're snooping but can't out you without getting some shameful secret blabbed to the world) until they realise how brilliant you are at snooping and offer to pay you to snoop on other people... I'm pretty sure that's how most detectives get into it...

Dude! I deleted my post! lol I suck a little at this game :-p but omg my word verification this time is hilarious "CUNPUNT" - it almost sounds like a rude word... lol I'm so immature

Bones said...

Cunpunt is an AWESOME swear! We should start using it until it becomes mainstream!!!