Sunday, May 31, 2009

Plus One is the Lonliest Number

Want to hear a pathetic story? Oh, who are we kidding. You and I both know you're dying to. It's the main reason you visit my little corner of the internetz, right? Well. There's a girl at work. Let's call her "Lauren". (This seems appropriate on account of Lauren being her name...I suck at giving people pseudonyms ) She's having a birthday bash in July, and it's been a pretty huge deal for a while, and she got around the other day to posting a sheet at work for people to RSVP on. So, being the trendsetter I am, I put my name down first. Mikey (+1).
In big, thick, permanent marker. And then I realised, I don't HAVE a plus one. How embarrasing! Now, before you jump in with the suggestion of "Just take a friend" or whatevs, keep in mind that I KNOW this, and that's not the issue. The issue is that subconsciously, I was pathetic enough to assume I had a Plus One that just doesn't exist! And I wonder what my brain was doing at the time. Is there a desire for one that I didn't know was there? Is there a feeling of incompleteness? I don't know. And I realise this is a bit deeper than a blog post about Kylie Minogue lyrics or a nautical adventure, but I think this place gets more interesting the more honest I am.
So there we have it. Maybe Mikey is just insane? Or maybe the "plus one" is for an additional personality I'm intending to develop, so I can be more diva-like? Who knows- what do YOU think? Am I crazy? Or have I just mentally given myself the challenge of finding a "plus one" in a month?


Rebecca said...

Interesting... just think of the fun a psychiatrist could have here lol... maybe you just like writing plus one cos it makes you feel like you have more friends than everyone else? lol
Let's be honest though, the thought of having a 'plus one' is better than the idea of turning up alone, but maybe it is a subconscious desire to challenge yourself to find a super cute boy by the 4th of July. (Perhaps I should set myself up for the challenge, too.)

Bones said...

Or, maybe I was just gaining Experience Points for signing up! As in Mikey has +1xp! Not long till he LEVELS UP!!!!!