Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who is Bones?

Astute readers will have noticed I use the moniker "Bones" fairly regularly, and it has often come up as the source of some confusion, or at least mild interest. Well, strap yourselves in, kids, cos here's why. Although I do preface this with the warning that the ACTUAL story behind it is far less exciting than whatever depraved scenario you've cooked up in your own heads.
It came about after an incident at work one day, where a good friend and manager, Corey, hijacked the radiowaves and announced "This is your captain speaking..." and proceeded to ramble on with, well, whatever it is that a captain in a bookshop needs to address the crew about.
Being a slight Star Trek geek from way back, as was he, naturally, the mention of a Captain inspired me to refer to him, from that day forth, as Jim. Jim as in James. As in James Tiberius Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise (NCC 1701). And if you're still looking at me blankly, I'm not sure that we can be friends anymore. How awkward...
And, being the attention-demanding little bastard I am, if HE had a Star Trek identity, I wanted one as well. Naturally, Spock was the first choice, but it only took about four seconds to realise I'm FAR too emotional (read: melodramatic) to assume an identity like that, so the obvious next choice? Leonard "Bones" McCoy. And thus, a nickname was born.

Any questions???


Sarah said...

Here's one: Why is his nickname "Bones"?

Bones said...


I don't know, actually! OMFG! Ive never thought about it...

Stryder Wolfe said...

bones as in "sawbones" as in "old west doctor". Duh. What were you guys thinking???

Bones said...

Christ, his reason is as boring as mine. I thought he must have had a Skeleton Fetish or something. How depressing!

Stryder Wolfe said...

well that could just be the reason he lets people believe....ya never know...

Bones said...

From now on, that's what I'M telling people.
Random: "Why are you called Bones?"
Mikey: "I fuck skeletons"
*awkward silence*

Sarah said...

I've never heard of a "sawbones" or "old west doctor". Maybe I'm too Australian. I was thinking he was really fat at one point and it was one of those hateful/ironic nicknames. LAME.