Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 17- Make the World My Stage

Mission Seventeen: Perform Karaoke
Status: Accomplished

Picture it. Gateway hotel. Friday night. Mikey hits the town with his Glitter of Drag Queens (Yes. "Glitter" IS the official term for a gathering of drag queens. Look it up.) and decides the time is perfect for tackling this weeks mission. Well, the timing and his elevated blood alcohol level. Surprisingly, it wasn't the nightmare experience I'd expected it to be though, and after performing The Shoop Shoop Song with the glamorous Ms Ruby Slipperz (video featured below) we then hit the stage several MORE times, treating the adoring public to an array of Chers back catalogue, including but not limited to: Believe, Turn Back Time and Strong Enough

Once again, these weekly missions resulted in me having a FANTASTIC time, and trying something I normally would never do, although I am a bit ashamed that when we finished, the MC of the evening turned to the crowd and said "See! You don't even have to be very good to give it a go!", the BITCH. Why not just punch me in the face next time?

And, for your enjoyment (and I use the term loosely): Video evidence of the event. Now, keep in mind, I personally haven't watched this video, so I apologise in advance for it's potential awfulness, but having said that, sit back, relax, and wait for next weeks thrilling update!

I'm so, so sorry...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You totally cheated! I watched that whole thing and you didn't sing into the mic once - shame boy! But I'm glad you got up there. See? Karaoke is the BOMB!